This is my Website homepage design. When the site is opened the noise of a car wheels screeching will be heard, when you hover the cursor over each road sign the sound of either and engine, wheels screeching or a quote from the film will be heard.
The reason I made my homepage interacted is just to liven it up and create more of an attraction towards the film. I tried to use all the warning or caution signs for around the car, to add more to the narrative signifying danger as opposed to signs that indicate and inform. I feel this creates a feeling of danger for the driver that is inside the car.
Shown in the bottom right hand corner are two social networking logos, when these a clicked on the viewer would be redirected to the particular networking site where they will be given the option to share the link.
I created this on Adobe photo shop, the picture previously looked very dull and washed out, so I started out by increasing the saturation on the entire image, I then used the burning tool to create a darker shade of grey over the car itself. The number plate I erased and re-adjusted to suit the movie. Certain areas in the picture have more saturation than the rest, so to bring out more colour and atmosphere.
The road signs I took in from found images on google, which I re-adjusted to suit my movie again.
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