Easy A Poster

• The use of quotations from the film at the top, draws you in and makes you want to know more, theres a 'tease' effect
• Main character is shown, along with her name above the title, the good thing about showing the main character on the front of the poster, is that if fans of this specific actress see the poster, they will be more likely to watch the film
• Title clearly displayed, bold and attractive
• Release date shown at the bottom, but it isn't the centre piece of the poster
• Small print shows names of directors and other actors/actresses (probably wouldn't be read by viewers, though it is a useful piece of information to include)
• Background is a chalk board so we know that this will be school based, this is a vital piece of narrative
• The names and arrows pointing towards the character, open us up to understand something about the character and develops our understanding of the narrative
• It’s a fun looking poster, good use of colour and font
• The use of colours really draws in attention

I think what I like the most about this poster is the way there is an on going narrative, we read the words written around her and think, “ah, she’s done something wrong, and obviously isn’t such a great girl”, but then we look at the top quote and what she has written on her paper and it starts to become clear that she hasn’t actually done anything wrong, which then invites the audience in and intrigues us leaving us wanting to know more.

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