
I have been researching different film genres and their trailers, analysing them and noting the basic set up of their trailers, both full and teaser.There are a lot of similarities between the different genres; the opening of each trailer was fairly similar in the way that the music usually kick started the moving image and straight away set the emotion and theme. I noticed that the genres like: Child’s fantasy, children’s action/comedy and chick flick’s story line was put across by the medium of ‘Voice over’; this reflects the similar tone within these specific genres. In a sense it gives off the idea that these particular genres are easy watching and don’t require any real brain power to understand them, therefore everything is given to the audience on a plate and would be in need of a typical linear progression.
However genres like: Fantasy, Adventure, Action/Adventure and Fantasy the story lines are put across mainly through the whole moving image and significant dialogue. You can see the clear difference between the diverse audiences for both styles with these particular genres being slightly more challenging for an audience to put together a basic plot. They are something you may need to put more concentration into; but this doesn’t mean the films are still entertaining, just a little more complex.

I found this clip on youtube whilst looking through different trailers, and found it really interesting to see 'behind the scenes' of what goes on during the making of a trailer/film. It really gave me an insight into the wonderful world of editing and creating! I loved the way he changed his voice to suit the genre also, I felt this was a very key convention to note.

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